Saturday 15 November 2014

The quirks of going to a girls school

First of all, I ain't going to tell you the name of my school, the whole of its history and why it became a girls school in the 20th century and not forgetting the address and telephone number- plus my full name and date of birth just so you could stalk me down!!!

All I can really say is that my school is a small, all-girls secondary school of about 600 pupils (aged 11-16). Because it's small, we pretty much know everyone- even then I still forget some people in my year group.

My school is taking the issue of people's privacy very seriously nowadays and it has actually frustrated the whole school pretty much. It's all because some students were 'posting videos of their classmates changing in the changing rooms on the internet' or 'taking pictures of other girls in the school playground without permission'. To start with, we weren't allowed to use our phones in school so if you did want to bring them to school ( like me), you had to hand them into the school office, which is such a pain in the bum after school because the line for collecting phones stretched all the way down the main corridor! But, most of my friends just keep their phones on them and hide them in their bras and stuff but some of them eventually gets caught during unexpected bag checks. This may seem as if I'm going to military school or something but that's just how most schools in London are (the disciplined ones anyway).

If you think that's bad, well, I don't know what you'll think of what the teachers decided to do now. WE ARE BANNED FROM HAVING ANY FORM OF ELECTRICAL DEVICES. That includes, tablets like iPads, don't even think about laptops, iPods, Kindles or even headphones! Why headphones? Even if they spot just a pair of headphones in your bag, they will confiscate them. I don't get it- how on earth can you communicate or use them of you have nothing else to plug them into? I just think they're trĂ©s over the top. 

(to be continued)

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